Since the late-1980s, I’ve been invited to give public readings and seminars across Canada, and occasionally in the US, to share new books and work-in-process with public audiences and writing programs. Many of these encounters are with smaller assemblies that allow for creative exchange with other visiting co-readers and local writers. Some photos of a handful of events, including some of my book launches, are below. A number of audio-recordings of some of my readings can be found on the PennSound site:

1988. New York. Not Egypt, Work in Process. Photo Bryan Gee.

2000. Launch of Wipe Under A Love, Bar Italia, Toronto. Mansfield Press.

2001. Poetry College, Reading my text "BeHeaded" at Liliput Hats, with Nancy Chater, College Street, Toronto.

2004. University of Windsor, Orphans Fan the Flames polyvocal reading, with my guests Rachel Zolf and English graduate students.

2006. Moderating Influency, at U of T School of Continuing Studies.

2007, Reading at the Belladonna Series, Dixon Place. New York. Photo Sina Queyras.

2008. Coach House Books season launch, including What Stirs.

2008. Launch of What Stirs, at David Mirvish Books, Toronto. Coach House Books. Photo Andrew McPhail.

2008. Launch of What Stirs, at David Mirvish Books, Toronto. Coach House Books. Photo Andrew McPhail.

2009. Reading at the AB Series, Ottawa. Photo Max Middle.

2010. Reading at the AvantGarden Series, at The Ossington, Toronto.

2010. Book-Length Reading of Excessive Love Prostheses, at the Women's Art Association building, Toronto. Presented by the Scream Literary Festival.

2010. Book-Length Reading of Excessive Love Prostheses, at the Women's Art Association building, Toronto. Presented by the Scream Literary Festival. Art Directed by Jenny Sampirisi.

2010. Launch of Welling, at the Trane, Toronto. Photo Ralph Kolewe.

2011. Reading at the Pivot Series, at the Press Club, Toronto.

2011. The Scream in High Park, Toronto.

2011. Tree reading Series, Ottawa.

2012. Reading from "She Comes from Everywhere" (later part of Her Paraphernalia, Book*hug) at St Stephen in the Field, Toronto. With Daphne Marlatt. Photo Ralph Kolewe.

2013. Reading at the Pivot Series, at the Press Club, Toronto. Photo Ralph Kolewe.

Reading at the Grey Borders Reading Series, April 12, 2013, with Jonathan Ball, Sina Queyras and Jay MillAr.

2013. Reading from Welling, in the rear garden of Ruth Roach Pierson, Toronto. Photo Kateri Lanthier.

2013. Coach House launch.

2013. Launch of Multitudes, Coach House Books, at St Stephen in the Field, Toronto.

2014. Reading at the Press Club/ Pivot series. Photo: R. Kolewe

2014. Guest of Graduate Colloquium on the Canadian Long Poem, University of Toronto. Photo/Video Smaro Kamboureli.

2015. H & J Series, Toronto. Photo: R. Kolewe.

2015. The Thing About Objects series.

2016. Reading at Kelly Writers House, Philadelphia.

2016. Reading at the AGO Walker Court.

2016. Launch of Her Paraphernalia, Book*hug, The Garrison, Toronto. Photo Ralph Kolewe.

2016. Reading at an evening for Brandy Ryan's 40th, Toronto. Photo Kerry Manders.

2016. Reading at the Poetry and Music Series, Palmerston Library, Toronto. Photo/Video Brenda Clews.

2016. Poetry London reading, with Armand Garnet Ruffo.

2016. Tree Reading Series, Ottawa.

2016. Toronto Word On The Street reading, hosted by Grace O'Connell.

Residency farewell reading, University of Alberta. 13 Apr 2018.

Residency farewell reading. University of Alberta. 13 Apr 2018.

2018. Launch of Space Between Her Lips: The Selected Poetry of Margaret Christakos (Edited by Gregory Betts, Wilfrid Laurier Poetry Series), Queen Books, Toronto. Reading with Sonja Greckol. Photo: Mark Fawcett.

2018. Reading at the Art Bar series. Photo: Candace De Taeye

2018. Reading at Sudbury's literary festival, Wordstock.

2019. Reading (in pink) in the evening program of Listen Deep, at Laidlaw Library, University College. Photo: Aaron Tucker.

2019. Intertextual reading with Jacqueline Turner and sax/clarinetist Karen Ng, KFB Mezzanine, Toronto. Photo Kirby.

2019. Reading at Concordia University Writers Read series.

2020. Collaborative Reading with Oana Avasilichioaei, Atwater Poetry Project online reading hosted by Rachel McCrum.

2020. Screen grab, video reading from charger (Talon Books), Toronto.

2020. Virtual reading. Talonbooks launch for charger and other titles.

2021. Zoom Reading at the 4th Annual Laboratory of Feminist Memory: Intimate Dwellings Part 2, Presented by The Studio for Media Activism, X University.

2021. Reading at the Zoom launch for Dear Birch, from Palimpsest Press.

2022. Green College farewell reading.

2023. Fertile Festival, Toronto.

2024. Reading from That Audible Slippage, at Speakeasy Reading Series, Glad Day Bookstore, Toronto, 17 Mar.

2024. Glad day Books, Speakeasy series.

1985. Apprenticing at Véhicule Press, Montréal. Deeper learning in cycles of reading-writing-publishing-collaborating-living — poesis as practice. Photo: Simon Dardick.